Profile PictureAniruddha Medhekar

Formulating Templates that can make Creatives life organized and easier. People can trust my templates because I personally use them and made it with personal experience of problem-solving. About me: I've been working as a Creative professional for the last 7+ years. I have played different roles in these years like Graphic designer, Executive- Designer, Senior Visualizer, Design Head, Brand Designer, Strategist, Logo Designer, and to be continued...But the most passionate role I ever played is Brand Designer & Strategist. As a Brand Designer & Strategist, I have impacted more than 30 Startups, Entrepreneurs, Businesses successfully; by helping in Strategy, Identity Design, Digital Media Presence, Consultancy, Visual Communication, etc. Most of them got clarity about Identity doubts within advisory sessions and that means a lot. I've worked on almost every sector project, like EdTech, FinTech, AgriTech, Sports, E-commerce, Healthcare & Fitness, Food manufacturer, Virtual Reality, Tech solutions, Bank, Celebrities, B2B, B2C, etc. I was mainly responsible to provide Media & Print solutions along with better visualization.